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Three eggs on a pile of leaves with flowers around them

Cluck & Quack


When we started raising chickens & ducks, we fell in love with the variety of egg colors out there, so we started breeding chickens that lay unique egg colors like chocolates, blues, olives, and all the speckles! We also carefully selected and incorporated genetics from other stunning chicken lines to achieve our beautiful egg baskets and flocks. After a few years, we achieved our dream egg color palette along with docile flocks of beautiful birds. When we first started selling chicks and hatching eggs locally, we never imagined the joy it would bring us. Now, we're thrilled be able to share our lovely chicks and hatching eggs with more chicken keepers! With every chick or hatching egg that ships out or is picked up locally, it feels like we are sharing a piece of our farm. We love that.


Along with chicks, we have ducklings available. We also have chicken, duck, and quail hatching eggs available during each hatching season.


We have adjusted our goals and plans over the years. We will surely continue to adjust as we move forward, but there are a few things that we want to continue practicing on our small farm.


If you have a moment to spare, we invite you to learn more about those practices below. 



Weekend Market

Rainbow Egg Baskets

Eggs of all colors in a nest

Our flocks have been carefully bred to produce eggs in a range of hues, from deep chocolate to sage green to bright blue. Adding speckles to all of the colors has been an especially fun project! Our eating egg customers love the variety and surprise in each carton, and we're proud to offer these beautiful eggs and the lovely birds that lay them! When it comes to sharing hatching eggs or setting our incubator, we always use the best egg genetics we have available.

a Marans' chicken egg next to a  purple clematis flower

When it is time to add new genetics to our lines, we are committed to sourcing new flock members exclusively from reputable breeders who adhere to established breed standards, ensuring the well-being and quality of our beloved flocks. Although we hatch out chicks for our flocks before or after our official hatching season, we do not separate out the best eggs or chicks during the season. We share those chicks and the best eggs with the fellow chicken friends that support our farm. Learn more about Our Breeds here.

Beautiful Birds Fed Local Feed

A few chickens eating out of a woman's hand. She has grain and herbs in her hand

We prioritize the health and well-being of our flocks and are proud to support our local farmers. Our farm purchases feed from a local family farm that has perfected the nutrition needed for our flocks. We buy  1-2 tons at a time directly from their farm in 1,000 pound totes, which we unload and return to their farm to be reused. Reducing waste is important to us. By feeding our chickens our kitchen scraps, they help reduce kitchen waste. Plus, we get fresh eggs in return! 

Female Chicks

a basket of eggs, carton of eggs, bouquet of daises, and three eggs all on a wooden shelf

We understand the need for many flock owners to only have hens. At one time, we also had a small flock of hens in town, no roosters allowed. Even the largest flocks can only have so many roosters. Because we do not vent sex at our farm, we offer chicks that we can distinguish male from female at hatch by their feather patterns-just for those of you wanting only hens. We have plans in the works to add more breeds of auto-sexing and sex-linked chicks and ducklings! 

Male Chicks

a group of fluffy chicks on a board

This can be a tricky subject to navigate. 50% of all chicks hatched are male. That means, when we hatch out our autosexing or sex-linked breeds, half of those chicks are male and most won't be sold. Unlike most large hatcheries, we do not kill male chicks upon hatching. They are either sold, given to families, or raised up by us to provide for our family. 

NPIP and Bio-Security


Our flocks are NPIP Certified Clean. What does that mean? The National Poultry Improvement Plan, NPIP, is a voluntary program that's overseen by the USDA that monitors the health of flocks and hatcheries. Twice a year they test our birds to confirm they are clean of Salmonella, Pullorum-Typhoid, Avian Influenza, etc. They also inspect the birds' housing and feed storage to ensure it's clean and rodent free. With every chick or hatching eggs order we ship, we will send you the NPIP clean information. 

In order to maintain our NPIP Certification and for the Bio-Security of our flocks, we do not offer tours or visits to our farm.

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